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An Honest Muslim Anjem Choudary Video

I have always appreciated Anjem Choudary’s honesty.

Prophet Muhammad says Muslims in a position of strength should impose three choices on non-Muslims:

1. Become a Muslim (conversion)

2. Pay protection money (jizya) for the right to live as a second-class citizen (dhimma pact of surrender to Islam)

3. Be killed (the sword)

Choudary is one of the most high-profile Muslims in the United Kingdom. Did you know that he is also a lawyer?

Choudary is also an Islamic scholar and Quranic expert; he is not a radical. He is a religious devout Muslim.

His sermons and actions are carried out in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic law. They represent authentic Islam and are not sanitized by Western media or politicians.

His “controversial” statements have been whitewashed by Western leftists and many conservatives who have had limited and misleading education about Islam. This is Islam, not the false peaceful narrative promoted by leaders, media, and many Muslims themselves.

For decades, Westerners have had minimal exposure to authentic information about Islam and are just now waking up to the threat it poses to their countries and their freedoms.

Choudary has consistently warned that Westerners have no choice: ‘Sharia law is coming to a place near you.’

He is not lying—however, your media and politicians are! They are aiding and abetting the Islamization of our countries.

As Geert Wilders has been warning for years: “The more Islam we get, the more dangerous and less free our society becomes. Let us keep our countries safe. And lock the door to Islam.”


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